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Learning to Give My Body Love - Shonya's Success Story

With Grit and Determination...

That is how I have been living my life as a working, married mother of 3 daughters as well as a Certified Life Coach... needless to say I have been all about the care of others. At 46 years old I have degenerative discs in my lower lumbar, straightening of my cervical spine, awful posture... joint aches in my ankle from a horrible break that left me with a plate and 9 screws. One morning I woke up and my 46 year old body felt way beyond its years.

I felt defeated. I knew something had to change...

I needed to do something. I had no idea of WHAT that was. Part of my mind screamed Peleton... the realistic part of it reminded me of my lonely gym equipment in the basement. I needed something more... I just didn't know what it was. The next day I was driving home from the mall and like a beacon in the night I saw the "sign" Club Pilates - it was just minutes from home - so no excuses. As soon as I got home I went on their site and like Christmas - they were giving out gifts of a Free Introductory class!!

I thought to myself, this could be what I have been looking for!

I signed up and took my Intro class the very next day. I felt excited and hopeful. That day I committed to taking care of ME. The staff is so kind and welcoming . I felt a great vibe from all of them. I took my very first full class with their amazing Instructor Catherine... her energy and words spoke to my soul. She said... this is your time... you are here for you... let go of looking at all that is outside and focus on you. Give yourself this. I get that this may sound odd, but I was in tears for most of the class.

Every motion, every move felt like I was giving myself love.

Each class that I attend makes me feel as if I am shedding years of personal neglect. I have completed 7 classes so far and today I changed my limited membership to unlimited! My first instinct has always been to take care of others and if ever there was a need for sacrifice, I was always willing todo so  - so that those I loved did not have to. As a budgeter I was very hesitant on spending the money to invest in myself. A little voice whispered in my ear that I am worth it! Now for the good stuff. In just 7 classes I have already had compliments on physical changes in my body, I am standing straighter and mindful of my posture, I am coping with stress better, my back does not ache when I get up from a chair, I am holding in my core muscles, I feel stronger and I have discovered muscles that I didn't know I had. I am remembering to BREATHE. I am so excited to see what this journey brings. From hopeless to hopeful, from grit and determination to grace and rejuvenation.

I think in 20 years my 66 year old self will THANK ME.

- Shonya Jordan, Club Pilates Member

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