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Instructor Testimonial

Sales Rep to Pilates Instructor: Finding the Perfect Career

I always had a love for numerous subjects, and it was difficult deciding on a major. During college, while working part-time at the front desk for Club Pilates, I discovered a love for the Pilates method. The exercise felt good on my body and the benefits and changes I saw in the clients were astounding! I finished my associates and enrolled in Club Pilates Teacher Training in January of 2018. The team at Club Pilates McKinney was a huge part of my decision and by September 9th I was officially a certified instructor!

I wanted to start Pilates after hearing all the amazing benefits that it had to offer. After being in dance, I have a couple of injuries that Pilates is perfect for helping recover from as well as working the whole body. My initial experience getting hired with Club Pilates McKinney was awesome! Everyone was very welcoming and friendly. The members and staff became family and it just clicked for me as the place to be.

While working at the front desk, I was working alongside Master Trainer, Cara Bonney, who is a fountain of knowledge and has a passion for helping people heal through Pilates. That passion and everything I learned about Pilates-inspired me to become an instructor as well. I absolutely love being able to improve others’ lives and being a part of their Pilates journey. Working at Club Pilates you really get to know the clients and hear about the milestones they hit and the changes they see in their body through Pilates.

Pilates has had a huge impact on my life. Not only physically by helping me regain my flexibility and strength, but also by the people I have met through it. I have met so many women who have become my role models. These role models all supported me in becoming an instructor and helped me on my educational journey. Being an instructor has been amazing, getting to know my clients and getting to be creative in teaching my own classes. It has also given me time to explore my other interests!

Before Pilates I had no clue what my next step in life was. Once I found Pilates it seemed simple! It allows me a creative freedom I haven't experienced in other jobs and a connection with the clients you can't find anywhere else. The flexible hours are also a huge plus. It allows me time to pursue my other dreams and interests as well! I love Pilates and I am so happy to have found this perfect career.

Madeline Bradley – CP McKinney Sales Rep turned Pilates Instructor!


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