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Working Out with Friends - Helpful or Hurtful?

Working out with a friend maybe your secret to success to achieve your fitness goals! Whether you are trying to lose weight, stay motivated, or even hold yourself more accountable, having a friend along for the ride can help.



Friendly Competition to Reach your Goals

Research suggests that working out with a friend pushes you to work twice as hard as you would alone. People are naturally competitive, so you may find yourselves pushing harder to keep up!

From there, the intensity of the exercise may increase as well as the duration because you’re working harder, together.

So, what does this mean? Working out harder and more consistently allows you (and your friend!) to meet your goals faster!

Fewer skipped workouts

Sticking to an exercise regimen without a routine in place can be difficult. Excuses always come up: too tired, not enough time, or lack of motivation. You are more likely to commit to a routine if you sync schedules with a buddy.

Set up a fun consequence in case either of you wants to skip the workout—like burpees or extra push-ups!

If you have trouble finding someone who wants to join you in workouts, you can look into fitness solutions that offer group workouts such as Club Pilates. Club Pilates offers group performer classes and each studio where you can meet new faces and be a part of a community!


Increased Overall Performance

Having an exercise partner can not only boost your motivation but your overall performance. It’s reassuring knowing that you are not in this journey alone. Remember that you and your BFF are going through the same challenges: the sweat, soreness, and difficulty.

Tough exercises are hard to get through, but knowing your friend is feeling the same challenge can help you both get through the workout and get stronger.

What's better than Pilates? Pilates with a friend!


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