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Member Success Story

1,000 Classes at Club Pilates - Patricia's Story

My fitness journey with Club Pilates began two and a half years ago when a friend invited me to try an intro class. My daughter also did Pilates and I was amazed how much it toned her in a short time, and my chiropractor told me I needed to strengthen my core. I had recently lost 25 pounds through healthy eating but found that walking and bike riding weren’t giving me the physical development I needed.

I was hooked after the intro class. I signed up for 8 classes a month, but the next day changed to unlimited!

My instructors noticed my posture improving right away and I felt empowered to take daily classes. My endurance improved and my core strengthened. I was using muscles long neglected and seeing visible results!

Now I see the chiropractor a lot less frequently and am still doing several classes per week. Going to class daily helps my mood and stamina. I have lost another 25 pounds and kept it off.














The classes fit my work schedule and challenge me no matter what level I take.

Joining Club Pilates has been life-changing and my husband and many friends have also joined after watching my journey!

I am forever grateful to the instructors who have been so positive and encouraging and for the Club for expanding all over the country!

- Patricia [Club Pilates Carrollwood]

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