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Pilates Exercises

Helpful Hints for Joe's Mat Series - March Matness

Welcome to March MATness!!! March is a time to get back to the basics and celebrate some classical Mat Pilates movements! We have modified a few of the original series to be safe for group classes, so follow along at home or in-studio with the list below! You can find a game card to print at the bottom of this blog. Post your daily move on social media, and tag #cpmarchmatness2024 to participate with your fellow members online!

The following are a few tips for each move of the day:

March 1: The Hundred #hundred

  1. If you feel your low back straining, bend the knees to table top or place the feet on the ground.
  2. If you feel your neck straining, keep your head down.
  3. Breathe into the diaphragm versus shallow breaths to improve form. 

March 2: Roll Up #rollup

  1. Prevent the shoulders from elevating as you roll down or up. 
  2. Feel the glutes stay active to control the motion. 
  3. Keep the hands down on the ground if it’s too intense to have them elevated. 

March 3: Articulated Bridge #articulatedbridge

  1. Articulate each vertebrae as you peel your spine away from the mat  
  2. Slow down the motion for more efficiency. 
  3. Engage the glutes to protect the low back. 

March 4: Single Leg Circle #onelegcircle

  1. Bend the knee or do smaller circles if you find your hips rocking around. 
  2. Keep the shoulders relaxed and still through all ranges of the leg circle.  

March 5: Half Roll Back #halfrollback

  1. Pilates Prop Tip! Use a Pilates ball between the forehead and knees to improve form. 
  2. Try to prevent pulling with the hands. 
  3. Relax the shoulders. 

March 6: Single Leg Stretch #onelegstretch

  1. Avoid twisting the knees out sideways as they bend in. 
  2. Kick lower to advance the work; kick higher if the leg extension strains the back.  
  3. Keep the head down if the exercise strains the neck. 

March 7: Double Leg Stretch #doublelegstretch

  1. Keep the pelvis stabilized by turning on the glutes during the leg motions. 
  2. Avoid tucking the chin into the chest. 
  3. Slow down the motion to prevent moving with momentum versus precision. 

March 8: Spine Stretch #spinestretch

  1. Round and articulate forward and back versus flat back hinging. 
  2. Prevent the shoulders from rounding forward through the exercise.  
  3. Slow down through areas of the back that feel tighter to regain more flexibility of the spine. 

March 9: Saw #saw

  1. Rotate from waist to engage obliques.
  2. Activate the glutes and inner thighs when twisting the spine to avoid rotating the hips
  3. Round forward versus leaning forward to gain more flexibility of the spine. 

March 10: Swan Dive #swandive

  1. Use a Bosu ball to practice a modification to this movement.
  2. Lift chest and legs simultaneously.
  3. Activate the glutes and abs to prevent dumping into the low back. 


March 11: Single Leg Kick #onelegkick

  1. Keep the hips stable during the motion by turning on the glutes. 
  2. Fire the abs to prevent dumping into the low back. 
  3. Avoid using momentum to keep the work in the muscles versus joints. 

March 12: Double Leg Kick #doublelegkick

  1. Move slowly and with precision to execute the coordination of this exercise.  
  2. Separate the legs if the motion pinches the low back. 
  3. Use the breath to maintain the form and to stabilize. 

March 13: Scissors #scissors

  1. Avoid going too low with the lowered leg if it strains the low back. 
  2. Breath deeply into the diaphragm with each scissor kick. 
  3. Avoid pulling with the hands. 

March 14: Double Straight Leg Lower & Lift #lowerandlift

  1. Focus on a smooth, controlled descent and ascent of the legs.

  2. Prevent excessive arching in the lower back by engaging your core consistently throughout.

  3. If you're straining the lower back, slightly bend the knees, or shorten the range of motion.

March 15: Bicycle (Modified) #bicycle

  1. Modify this dynamic move by isolating the lower body leg choreography, keeping back on the Mat.
  2. Keep leg movements slow and controlled to keep from straining the low back.
  3. Maintain a steady and controlled breath to enhance overall stability during the exercise.

March 16: Shoulder Bridge #shoulderbridge

  1. Avoid going too high or lifting too fast if the hamstrings cramp or the low back aches. 
  2. Activate the inner thighs to prevent the knees or feet from turning outward.
  3. Keep the eye sight up to keep space in the neck.

March 17: Spine Twist #spinetwist

  1. Avoid sinking while twisting to prevent compression of the spine.
  2. Keep head aligned with the rest of the spine.
  3. Activate the glutes and inner thighs to anchor the hips to maintain a stable pelvis.

March 18: Toe Taps #toetaps

  1. Pilates Prop Tip! Use a Pilates ball to create space and maintain proper form.
  2. Maintain neutral tabletop position with the stable leg

March 19: Side Kick #sidekick

  1. Keep the shoulder wide and relaxed versus rounded forward and elevated.
  2. Activate the abs on the pull back motion to prevent popping the ribs.
  3. Lengthen the spine on the kick forward to prevent rounding and collapsing forward.

March 20: Teaser #teaser

  1. Engage the glutes to assist taking pressure out of the hip flexors and back.
  2. Practice the Pilates Roll Up to prep for a full Teaser
  3. Bend the knees or keep the feet on the ground if modification is needed.

March 21: Hip Twist #hiptwist

  1. Plant on the forearms versus the hands if elbows are hyperextended or if tightening is felt in the neck.
  2. Bend the knees to simplify the motion.
  3. Deeply exhale to assist with the lift.

March 22: Swimming #swimming

  1. Slow down the exercise to start before progressing into a faster variation.
  2. Feel both hip bones stay evenly down while alternating the leg motions to keep pelvic stability.
  3. Lift the ribs with an ab contraction to prevent dumping into the low back.

March 23: Leg Pull Front #legpullfront

  1. Keep a micro bend in the elbows to prevent hyperextension.
  2. Exhale with each leg lift to drive the motion with the core versus the low back.
  3. Try to not twist the hips with each single leg lift

March 24: Leg Pull Back #legpullback

  1. Keep a micro bend in the elbows to prevent hyperextension.
  2. Exhale with each leg lift to drive the motion with the core versus the low back.
  3. Try to not twist the hips with each single leg lift.

March 25: Kneeling Side Kick #kneelingsidekick

  1. Lift away from the base hand to take it out of the wrist and base shoulder.
  2. Activate the glutes, especially from the base leg, to prevent dumping into the hip flexors.

March 26: Side Bend #sidebend

  1. Feel the ribs hug the spine from all directions to prevent rib popping on the lift.
  2. Use the glutes to lift the body up and down to control the motion.

March 27: Star #star

  1. You can perform this on your hand, or your forearm.
  2. Keep your bottom leg and side body engaged.
  3. Goal is to lift the arm and leg in unison.

March 28: Bird Dog #birddog

  1. Keep the hip in neutral position while lifting each leg.
  2. Avoid lifting your leg too high or allowing your spine to curve past its natural position.
  3. Feel a line of energy from your fingertips down to your toes.

March 29: Thigh Stretch #thighstretch

  1. Maintain shoulders, over hips, over knees.
  2. Keep shins, feet and thighs in parallel position.
  3. Pull the stomach up and root the knees down on the Mat.

March 30: Plank #plank

  1. Use the glutes and inner thigh muscles to prevent the hips from shifting.
  2. Relax the shoulders out of the ears throughout the exercise.
  3. Maintain a straight line from head to heels.

March 31: Push Up #pushup

  1. Drop to the knees if the push up is dumping into the low back.
  2. Bend the knees gently on the roll down to prevent hyperextension.
  3. Keep the head in alignment with the rest of the spine versus letting the head hang towards the floor.


Print your game card below!



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