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Pilates Benefits

Let Pilates Help You Beat the Winter Blues

Winter has its own beauty, but for some, the long, dark winter season can be a detriment to mood and well-being, causing depression in a large portion of the population. Pilates is an amazing way to keep your spirit high, your energy levels kicking, and your mind at peace.

When practicing Pilates, concentration is required.

You won’t have time to think about what needs to be done or anything weighing heavy on your mind. Your attention is directed to how your body is moving that day and how to correctly perform each movement. In a sense, Pilates is an active meditation that doesn’t allow for much time for negative thoughts or feelings. Instead, efforts are isolated to accomplishing the task at hand and forgiving when limits and range of motion are different from each individual session. Implementing Pilates into your life directs your attention towards more fulfilling goals that help strengthen the mind as well as the body.

One of major fundamentals of Pilates is movement.

A healthy body is a moving body. Giving yourself a daily dose of stable strength improves how you feel in your joints. When your joints are happy, it’s a lot easier to maintain a positive mindset throughout the day. Allowing time for your body to explore all ranges of motion, move muscles that rarely get attention, and de-stress muscles that are overused simply forces us to approach life in a more positive light!

Another staple of Pilates is balance. Challenging your body to hold yourselves up in all kinds of situations isn’t something that just applies to exercise. We all fall. We all feel weak at times. Training your body and mind to concentrate on balance gives you the motivation and support to do it in your everyday life. Balance challenges are always one of the biggest struggles. Once you learn to breathe through it and read your limits, you may find yourself feeling more emotionally balanced and capable as well.

Pilates is the perfect gift to give yourself.

Each session will leave you feeling more invigorated, forcing your mindset to approach challenges in a more positive and forgiving way. Taking time to de-stress will help support a healthier demeanor. Life is going to pull us in all different directions; the goal isn’t to control situations but to control how you handle them. Pilates can teach you the skills you’ll need to keep your head up this winter.


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