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Member Success Story

My Pilates Strength Helped Me Through 13 Days on a Ventilator

Meet Mary White, member of Club Pilates New City! Mary is a founding member of her studio, which opened its doors in June of 2018. She quickly became a part of the family as her Pilates journey excelled.

Mary's kind heart and loving energy is adored by all in her studio family. If you know her, you love her, shares her studio staff.

"It was early 2018 when I got a phone call from a young man telling me about something called Club Pilates scheduled to open soon in New City, New York.

It sounded pretty good, so I decided to sign up. It was different, and a bit scary at first… but then I became obsessed (exercising while laying down - I loved it!)

Not long after, I was there 6-7 days a week.

Fast forward to March 2020, Covid-19 came to visit me (and stayed). I suffered from double pneumonia, went through a medically induced coma, and endured 13 days on the ventilator for a total of 45 days in the hospital - but I SURVIVED!

The 13 days on the ventilator was short in comparison to the norm at that time, and my medical caregivers attribute it to my Pilates breath training and strength that I've gained!

My recovery/rehab was, and still is, a long one. During my recovery time, I was getting regular ‘checking-in’ calls from Lisa and Mark Lefkowitz (my Club Pilates family) just to let me know “we miss you”. I missed them too, and couldn’t wait to get back to my workout routine.

I love my Club Pilates family!

20 months later, I attended my first class back. It was like I never left and I’m getting stronger every day." 

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