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Instructor Testimonial

From Chronic Pain to Club Pilates Instructor

When a 30 minute Pilates workout changes your life -- literally.

Once Whitney took her first Club Pilates Intro class, she immediately knew she wanted to become an instructor. Realizing the studio had the resources to help her do this, she eagerly signed up immediately for Club Pilates Teacher Training program.

Flashback to ten years prior:

It was discovered Whitney had PVNS, a very rare disease that resulted in a benign tumor in her knee joint.  While the tumor was successfully removed, she was left with chronic pain in her knee. This was a big part of the reason she began discovering Pilates.

Having been through her own hardships and knowing the importance of physical health, Whitney has always had a heart for helping others.

Through her own savings as well as fundraising, Whitney has built water wells in Africa, and even saved a young mother's life by donating bone marrow. These life experiences further solidified her decision to be a Club Pilates instructor, and better people's lives.
During Teacher Training, Whitney’s Master Trainer Jacki was made aware of Whitney’s limitations due to her knee pain and modified Whitney's learning process perfectly. Jacki showed Whitney which Pilates exercises are done regularly in Club Pilates classes that would help strengthen her knee and help alleviate that pain she was experiencing.

After only 3 months of doing Pilates,

Whitney noticed she no longer had any pain in that knee.  Within a year of doing Pilates regularly, she could do a one-legged squat on that leg with no pain - a movement even individuals with healthy knees have struggled with. 
Now a certified instructor at Club Pilates Chisholm Trail in Texas, Whitney is known as the instructor who dances to her music as she is teaching. Her clients often point out her contagious positive attitude, sharing how it improves their mood.

Every class she teaches, she makes it her goal to make that the best hour of her clients’ day. 

Read more stories from instructors here
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